It has been a while since I made an appearance here. Let's be more specific........I wrote the inaugural entry into this thing you people read, and this is #3. I truly am a model of consistency.
So what's new 'round here? Plenty.
First, the star attraction(s). The terrible twosome continue to enhance their skills. They already had bow-staff skills and num-chuck skills, but now they can both feed themselves their bottles. If you have survived having twins yourself, I know hearing that probably takes you to a happy place. For those of you who were never traumatized, take my word that this is sweet relief.
The critters also ventured out to a festive gathering at our neighbor's house on Saturday ever so briefly. It seems that a crowded house and a well developed pelt may lead to overheating. Who knew?
Now the big boy. You all know that E has lots of skills. The girls won't stand a chance with this one, especially now that he has Trick or Treating skills. That's not to say that everything was easy here. Like I said, we went to a neighborhood gathering next door. E is super comfortable there. He would happily spend whole days there "helping" neighbor J water the flowers and running around her yard with the local cubs. Halloween appeared to be a different case. The mommy/daddy cling was in full effect and efforts to separate were met with screaming Spidey. We survived long enough for him to realize these were just our friends and everything was fine.
Trick or Treating was explained many times. Many discussions of the process and procedures. I don't think 2+2 equaled 4 until the first time the kids gingerly approached a door and propositioned a friendly neighbor. Then, euphoria. Wait....Daddy...she gave us candy! Time to run full sprint to the next house. Lather, rinse, repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
The craziest part? They didn't even really seem that interested in eating the candy. The thrill of the hunt.
We have lives too, although they are not nearly as dynamic and evolving as our pack. I did however take a new job recently, so the busy life has become busier. But, about a year ago we tagged 2009 as being "The year of survival". If this is surviving, thriving is going to be pretty fantastic.
You and Hilary are many times blessed, not only with wonderful children. Your parents have given you a pricelss gift that allow all to grow and thrive. What a joy to enter your home and feel the love.
Blessed be,
Auntie Suta
Great blog! What a fun time you all must have had this past Halloween. The costumes are a hoot and seeing the pictures of E and his friend and fellow Spiderman(E'S opportunity to be a twin!) are so sweet. You and H are such fabulous parents and what a lovely family you have.
Every time I see that picture of Dylan in his monkey suit I start laughing. He has such a hilarious expression and cute monkey tummy sticking out. Can hardly handle the cuteness of all three of your boys!
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