Feb 1: Superbowl. Ethan and I wore 3-D glasses for most of the evening, which made me pretty dizzy.
Feb 5: Court 8:30am. I can only imagine this was one of the many times Crazy was supposed to appear and did not. Who knows, who cares.
Feb 6: Ethan and I drove to Northfield to get Dylan & Owen's cross-stitch framed. I'm fully aware that there are several framing places within the Twin Cities that I could patron rather than driving to the greater Twin Cities for framing. But it takes SO long to make these cross-stitches, and my mother-in-law has trusted this guy with hers for years, so it's worth the drive for peace of mind. And...it turned out great.
Feb 9: Went to a Mom's of Multiples support group with the mom of Ethan's twin friends from ECFE. This was interesting, but as my twins were 9 weeks old and I was in the 0-6 month group, we talked mostly about transitioning to solid foods, and I was nowhere near. I needed to talk about how to get some sleep. The better support turned out to be the conversation over drinks the two of us had after group.
Feb 10: Toddler Tuesday. Ethan wanted nothing to do with the singing event that was going on, so we went to the train table at Barnes and Noble and I drank copius amounts of coffee. Delightful all around.
Feb 11: Twins 2-mo well-baby check; Oak City for dinner and drinks with two of my best buds from college.
Feb 13: A high-school friend gets married. My in-laws do an overnighter with our kids, two of which are not anywhere close to sleeping through the night. Bless them. I go a "little" overboard with my temporary freedom, drink at least a magnum of Chardonnay, and do not sleep well. Oh, the regret I felt the next day (I felt other feelings in addition to regret, as you might imagine!). We spend Valentine's Day at home, very low-key. We watched There Will Be Blood...that was disturbing.
Feb 16: I place my first Let's Dish order...to pick up the next day. I should really start doing that again. Dish N Dash is the service they have for those of us that find no thrill in doing our own meal assembly...or are rather too busy to make time to do so. Pay $20 and they do all the assembly for you and give you a time at which it's ready to pick up...ready to go into your freezer! A meal serves 6 and you can request them to be split, which was ideal for the number of "real"-food eaters in our family at the time.
Feb 17: My first Girls Night back, at which I was not the "pregnant one". Yay.
Feb 21: Sandberg sibling dinner. Mancini's. I had a full-fledged panic attack on the way there. It was cold outside...really really cold. It smelled like toilet in the area of the bar where we sat after dinner. I was designated driver. Despite all of this, it was an awesome time. Andy's siblings and their significant's are all fabulous.
Feb 22: My mom came back into town for my last week of Maternity Leave. I was sad...she made me happier.
Feb 25: Pepitos 6:30. I believe this was a dinner out with my Mom, sister, and aunts.
Feb 28: "Olaf Black and Gold Winter Gala" is scratched out and "Dinner @ 6pm" is written in. Appears that we bailed on the Gala in favor of something else. Were we with you? What did we do? I guess I can't really remember it all!