Thursday, July 2, 2009

In this edition of The Suburban Zoo, we play...

"Guess which choice word(s) came out of Hilary's mouth when I saw the below"...

We were hoping that the birds would thank us for their dinner, instead, this "fill-in-the-blank" squirrel jumped from the top of the shed onto our beautiful birdfeeder. We are now out of seed...and in serious need of relocation.


Jen said...

Oh, sad!

I hate squirrels.

One tried to claw my eyes out in exchange for a muffin at the U once. Seriously, the thing got within 6" of my face and I had to take my muffin and run away.

I hope you find a new spot for it! Evil squirrels!

Cecily said...

That happened to me last year when I hung our bird feeder by the front door. The squirrels swooped down from the porch roof and ate all the food, leaving shells on our front steps. Evil squirrels!