Andy and I find ourselves talking in "Ethan speak" sometimes. The most fun one lately is "some couple" or "some bunch"...as in, "I need some couple crackers"..."I need some bunch crayons"
Ethan is going through an anti-nap stage...I call it a stage because I refuse to believe that he doesn't need naps anymore at 2 1/2...am I wrong? Most days he just stays upstairs and has "quiet time" which, at least on the weekend days when I'm home to witness it, is not necessarily very quiet. Just as I started this post, he was up there yelling, "I do NOT want it to be quiet time" over and over. I went up and told him he could just play quietly with his stuffed animals then, but he couldn't come downstairs yet. That seemed to go over ok. I've tried to help naptime go better by taking out of his room his biggest distractions....books (which he was tearing apart page by page), toothpaste (which I had been leaving in there after nighttime brushing, but he was found eating it in his rocking chair), and cars/trucks (they are allowed at nighttime if he we don't hear him playing with them, but not at naptime)...he's rebelling still. Why is it that kids have to take mandatory naps and don't want to, but adults can rarely fit them into their schedules and REALLY want to?!
OK, I'm going to talk about poop again. These babies are flying through the outfits. Blowouts everywhere...it's astonishing, really. I don't recall having to deal with this stuff as much when Ethan was little...but perhaps the volume seems greater since there are two of them and someone is always pooping. We'd been using about 1oz of prune juice in every 24oz jug of formula we made, but they don't seem to have any issues staying "regular" so I think we'll nix that soon. I have, however, learned all about the "prewash" setting on our washer, and that's pretty cool.
Ethan and I made banana bread yesterday. He was actually very helpful. I used thawed frozen bananas again which Ethan calls "yucky bananas" and rightfully so. I use yogurt instead of buttermilk, but I didn't have any plain yogurt so I used strawberry. Andy said it was the most delicious banana bread I have ever made...it must have been because of my little dude helping me...
Yesterday morning we went to the MN Zoo as a family. It was our first outing with the 5 of us. We have just recently allowed the twins out of the house...flu season coming to a close, the protection of the monthly RSV prevention shots, people's willingness to follow my hand-washing rules, and just the enormity of these babies - and we're feeling a little more comfortable with them joining the outside world. Most of these "adventures", as Ethan calls them, are with Gamma Leslie and Liz, but Andy and I decided this past week that we need take advantage of some free weekend time and have some outings ourselves....to-do lists can wait, let's have fun!
The babies were really difficult as you can see....
Last night, we went OUT!! I'm playing on a co-ed slow-pitch softball team this Spring and last night the team went bowling. It was fun to meet the team and see my old high school teammate from who I heard about the team. Afterwards, we met up with some friends who had been watching the Final 4 games. We were out late, for us, and didn't get to bed until 1:30am! Thankfully, the babies slept until 7am and Ethan slept until 7:30am. We are so lucky to have such great babysitters, Anne and Chris, who Ethan adores. Dylan seemed to be quite smitten with Anne.
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