Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I make good babies...

I need to take another belly picture...I'm 32w 6d today, but I haven't taken my 32-week picture. There's really not much of a noticeable difference from week to week, if you ask me. I'm still WAY out in front...I'm big...and that's for me to say, not you :>

Today I had another biophysical ultrasound, and a growth ultrasound too. The tech started with Baby A's head and asked me where they've come in on their past growth ultrasounds...average, larger than normal? When I told her they've been about a week ahead of their gestational age, she said "I'm asking because A's head measures at around 35/36 weeks", I had to explain the whole "Sandbergs have big heads" thing again...B's head measured big too...around 34 weeks, but she couldn't get a really good view of him due to his position, so it's probably bigger than that...he's been the big guy all along.

After the other measurements, she estimated A to be 4lbs 9oz and B to be 4lbs 13oz. That's a lot of baby in there!! I am so glad to hear these estimated weights!! I had guessed that B would be around 4.5 lbs and A a little less...they were just over 3lbs and just under 3lbs at my last growth US about 4 weeks ago. At 32w 1d, on his birthday, Ethan weighed 4lbs for twins to weigh close to that at just a few days older is super great!! Their percentiles are right around 50th...A was 46th and B was 54th...I'm assuming that's based on overall size, because their heads would certainly be a higher percentile than that!

They both passed their biophysicals too...we had to wait about 15 minutes for B to show the practice breathing and I just about passed out laying still on my back for that long, but eventually he did it. They both have good fluid still too.

So, they scheduled me for my next 3 biophysicals...they are weekly from now seems so weird to schedule appointments out to mid December, but who knows...they've surprised me this far!! Keep up the good growing, kiddos!


LL said...

That's great that they're getting so big! I can't wait to see the post announcing their arrival- I have to live vicariously through other people having babies right now :)

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that things are going so well! I hope that you and your guys have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Louvuhl M said...

Great news, honey! M :>

Cass. Just Curious said...

I am SO so happy for you. I continue to keep them (an you) in my prayers.

Laurel said...

I am so glad to hear the good news!!! Keep up the good work!

Carol-Sutarooni said...

I am so happy the babies are doing so well. Every day, in every way, you three are doing better and better!