A few pictures of my photogenic first-born playing/laying around with Grampa Dode. Ethan thought that Christmas pictures would be enhanced by creating a wound on his face after running into the dining room table. Thankfully, no need for stitches on this one!!
I forgot to post the weight updates from yesterday. Mr Owen is 5lbs 12 oz (born 5lbs 4oz) and Mr Dylan is 6lbs 2oz (born 5lbs 6oz). They are gaining weight just wonderfully!
Another positive tidbit is that neither of them has had to undergo the phototherapy lights for jaundice. Their bilirubin levels have been great since birth...not sure how we avoided this one...luck, I think. It wouldn't have been a huge concern...Ethan had to undergo the phototherapy lights quite a bit when he was in the NICU, but he just looked sad with his little blinders on. I'm glad that Dylan and Owen have been able to avoid it.
The nurses asked us yesterday if we were ready for their homecoming. We totally are! Their room is ready to go...we just need to hang the wonderful curtain that my mom made (with blackout fabric backing!) and we're set. Andy also bought 4 different kinds of coffee beans on his recent trip to the grocery store...we're sure to not get tired of one type of coffee as we caffeinate!!
I'm already sick of poop. It seems that Dylan times his poops to my visits. He dropped one on me while I was feeding him yesterday...probably the reason that he didn't take all of his feeding by bottle...too much multi-tasking! And, now that I'm off bedrest, I can't defer all the Ethan poops to Andy...Ethan and I had a little talk about pooping in the potty this morning...wishful thinking. As long as we're talking about my childrens' poop, we shouldn't leave out little Owen...he's been getting a little pear juice with his feedings to help move things along...which could be a reason he hasn't been taking all his feedings from the bottle...he is just uncomfortable. We used to use prune juice for Ethan, which I had totally forgotten about!! That stuff smells nasty...I was pleased to learn that pear juice serves the same purpose and tastes better for the babies...and smells better to Mom. I've made the poop/pee and feeding charts in Word...probably time to print those out and post them around the house...time for my life to revolve around such exciting topics as bowel movements again.
Hey lady, I can't find your email address from some reason so I thought I would post here. I went to package up the preemie outfits I told you about only to have my husband tell me he took that tote to Goodwill so I can't send them to you. I am SO SORRY! He's in big trouble as we are now missing some of the 3-6 month clothes for our guys as well. Sorry again! Take care of those little guys and keep updating!
Dode looks like he just ran a 20 minute half!
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