Saturday, March 14, 2009


It's too early to get excited, but I think we're on the verge of some sleep-breakthroughs...I slept last night.

On Thursday night, I woke at 2:30am to crying. I figured it was my feeding (I typically do the second feeding during the night) so I got up and went to the bathroom and saw the boppy pillows in the hallway....which meant they hadn't yet been brought into the babies' room for feeding. OMG!! So I went back into our room and told Andy it was his feeding to which he replied, "It's after 2? I really prefer to feed them at 11, 12, or 1!" which I found pretty funny. After the feeding they went back to sleep until 5 when I fed them and then brought them into our bed for morning snuggling.

Last night they woke up at 2:45am...Andy fed them and then I got up with them at 6:30am.

Two nights does not a pattern make...but could this be the beginning of once-nightly wakings?!

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