"Watch out Daddy's coffee and Daddy's pen"...Ethan's warning to Daddy's coffee and pen when moving his cars onto the computer table
"Baby brudder doesn't like tummy time"...who told him about "tummy time"?!
"Baby brudder is going swimming"...watching Mommy give Dylan a bath; we give baths in the baby tub placed on top of the kitchen island and Ethan watches from his Learning Tower
"Daddy's feeding ALL my baby brudders"....yep, ALL ten
We're working on some longer stretches of sleep here!! Longer than 3 hours that is...A couple nights last weekend, D and O ate around 8pm, went to sleep shortly after, and didn't wake up to eat again until about 1am. Then again around 5am. It's not so terrible. Last night was a little different...They ate at 11pm, then again at 3am...and Mommy couldn't fall back asleep for a long time after that feeding and then Ethan was up at 5:30am. He came to bed with us and insisted on sleeping with his face on my face, or with his head in my neck. I love a good snuggle, but cutting off my airway isn't so comfy. This was the second morning of "family bed" of one sort or another. On Monday morning, Dylan wouldn't go back to sleep after the 5am feeding, so I brought him to bed and he fell right asleep. I love snuggling with babies in bed, but I sleep terrible because I am terrified that I will roll on top of them...so I position myself much lower than where their head is so they are above me and then I am crunched into about 2 feet of bed. Anyways, we try not to make a habit of bringing our kids into our bed for sleeping (morning cartoons are ok!) but I like to nuzzle up to them sometimes.
Dylan and Owen were 6 weeks old yesterday!! They are changing every day and we are getting to know their personalities. Just when I think I have them figured out, they throw me for a loop. But most of the time Dylan is laid back (though he's being a little difficult this morning) and Owen is high-maintenance. Owen just really insists on being held. I love to hold my babies so it's ok, but makes it difficult to get things done...I need a sling. Dylan is pretty chill, unless we are doing floor time, which he doesn't seem to like much...On the other hand, Owen loves floor time. They are so different...and look different too. Though they've both moved into 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers (graduated from Newborn), Owen is much smaller...he's been doing much better on his feedings (very little spitting up from both of them thanks to the snail-slow bottles we are now using)...but we are guessing he is at least a half pound lighter than Dylan, who has about 5 chins. Dylan's hair looks more red every day and Owen's continues to grow and grow...after a bath it's super puffy and soft and I like to rub my chin on it :>
Ethan's obsession with cars/tractors/trucks has reached a new level. He now insists on having them with him at all times. When we go downstairs/upstairs to play he'll say "Mommy will bring ALL my cars" and start bringing them to you in 3s or 4s...So the other day I bought him a basket so that he could carry more of them at a time. 'Course this led to stacking the basket into a heaping mound of cars/tractors/trucks so that it weighs about 40 pounds and I can barely carry it. But he'll insist on bringing the basket onto his Learning Tower, onto the changing table, into his "little chair"...anywhere he goes. It's sort of ridiculous, but it's his thing right now and it's harmless and pretty funny. However, we do find cars everywhere....just the other day I found one behind the toaster...must have been up on the counter when we were making dinner some night.
Below is a picture of Ethan with his basket in his "little chair" having a snack. And of Dylan (R) and Owen (L) working on some tummy time and head-lifting!!
I'm glad the (car) basket idea has caught on although I didn't anticipate that E would want to cart around almost ALL of his cars. Ah, well, it's just a stage (of many more to come! :>) Love, M
Way to go on the sleeping! It will probably get better over the next month or so. By the way, I have a size 3 Hotslings sling that was too small for me to use once they got bigger than newborns. If you want it I can send it to you. (I think you can check out their sizing on their website: http://www.hotslings.com/
Happy 6 weeks boys! Wow, that went fast! Well, for me anyway! Good luck on more sleep!
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