Music to any mother's ears, no? I would say that I feel bad about some of the things that E has been saying lately, but I think we are equal offenders of inappropriate language in the house, so we are both responsible for his excellent vocab. Unfortunately he seems to like to imitate his daddy with more enthusiasm.
This seems to part of the drill though, as we are going to try to begin the potty-training. Nothing makes me feel quite as cool as when I am demonstrating the proper technique for my boy. Here's where you grunt son: "Grrrrrr"
Other than trying to get our boy to "dump" in a big-boy potty (see: plastic bucket), life is both repetitive and crazy here. Change babies, feed babies, burp babies, play cars with E, try to sleep, eat something, repeat cycle from beginning every 3 hours, day and night.
People without kids may think this schedule can't really repeat constantly around the clock every 3 hours, and they are absolutely correct. Between 8 PM and 7 AM E does not play cars since he is sleeping, and we also have to add in bathing for child or parent occasionally. Other than that, not much need for a clock. Such is the life of the parents of a newborn.
Now how is this cycle different with twins than one baby? Substitute out the "try to sleep" category and replace with "stare at wall and try to zone out until one or the other is crying".
It's all good though. Occasionally you find some interesting things to see or do when you're awake at 4 AM. Sham Wow!
papa, your writing always cracks me up. love that picture!
I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
AS, sensitive man of the new millenium, acknowledging equality!
In that case, which one of you helped with, "Baby brother CRAPPED, he CRAPPED, CRAPPED, CRAPPED."
Just thought I'd mention it...
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