Our "little" guys were a month old yesterday, and as of yesterday, were due in one week...on the 15th. Strange. I can't imagine birthing babies of this size. Keeping in mind the fact that they were 7lbs 3oz and 6lbs 10oz last Friday and growing at a rate of 0.5-1oz every day...and the fact that babies grow faster in utero than in the "real" world...holy cow!! They are doing really great...eating well and really getting curious about the world around them. They are having more awake time (sometimes not timed so well) and seem to be less excited about being swaddled up. We'll start tummy time on the floor (the dog is gone!) pretty soon. We've found that at least Owen likes the swing (we haven't tried with Dylan yet) so it's exciting to see that we can do more with them.
Night-time is going ok. We have been sticking with our "schedule" of me going to bed after the early-evening feeding or after Ethan goes to bed...around 8 or so. Andy does the late-night feeding and mom and I have been covering the middle of the night feeding. Thank God for my Mommy!! Last night, they went a stretch from 11:30pm to around 4am...granted, they were not sleeping that whole time, they probably settled down around 1am, but they are taking bigger feedings and going longer stretches in between feedings. Now if we could just get this sleeping at night thing down...we'd be set!! At least for awhile, until another stage starts! :> Until then, I make a large pot of coffee each morning and down about 3-4 cups before 10am...it gets me through.
Below is the 4-week picture of D & O, and the handsomest 3 young men in my life...
Dylan looks a little suspicious of the camera and Owen is ready to throw some jabs.
How has it already been a month? Oh.my.hell.
All three of them get cuter every day!
Oh Hilary they are sooooo adorable, can't wait to get up there to spend some time with those guys and of course you! Hope things are well and keep up the good work :)
Oh! I want to come help you feed these little bunnies! Just let me know when. I can't wait to smell like urp-up!
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